Friday, October 28, 2011

Mass Produced Authenticity

A friend of mine just posted a link on Facebook to an article about the design craze called “authenticity”.  Basically the point of this article is that for a while it was a craze to get a “one of a kind” item and fill your house with “authentic” pieces so that now companies are mass producing “authentic” design items and it loses its kick.

This made me think about authenticity in general.  This is definitely a buzz word that a lot of people have latched on to.  I think as a society, it is becoming more acceptable to be different and honest.  Look at the success of television shows like Glee – making heroes out of the misfits in society. 

I am definitely drawn to real authenticity.  I like being around people who are flawed and aware of it.  Not afraid to talk about their struggles and issues.  But what I have noticed recently is a new trend towards “manufactured authenticity”.  People who can talk the talk and know all the right words to say to appear authentic…but it is really just a thin veneer that when examined closely is easily recognizable as a façade.

I have to admit, I can do this myself.  I know all of the right words to say.  I can weave a good “story” about my life when asked, all the while hiding the truth about who I am.  I can seem authentic while hiding the parts of myself that I don’t want people to know.

For me, the only thing I can do is continually ask myself if I am really being authentic.  Am I walking the walk?  Do my life and choices match up with my words?  Am I really letting people know the real me or am I keeping a part of it shut off from the world?

I can’t force others to be authentic…truly authentic…but I think true, honest and real authenticity can shine the light on the façade that others are putting on.   Sometimes the shiny, newness of the fake gives it away- like looking at a real antique table next to a Pottery Barn replica.  The shininess of the fake is the telltale sign that something is not quite right.

I am going to have to mull this over some more….but those are my thoughts of the morning.

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